My Progress!

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter

Thursday, May 17, 2012

OMG Fondue!

Today was a rough day in terms of diet. I knew it would be coming because I had planned it with my boss yesterday at work. She recently had the chocolate fondue at Zupas and told me that it was AMAZING!!  Yesterday she said she was craving it again and I told her we should go today for lunch.

Knowing that I'd be in for the "death by chocolate", I stuck to a simple half salad portion of their Shanghai Salad. I didn't pair it with a soup OR a sandwich, so I'm fairly proud of myself for that!

I did, however, eat the french bread slice and my gigantic chocolate covered strawberry - and Charlie gave me his too because he doesn't do fruit or veggies!

And then came the fondue - OMG - it was one of the best things I've EVER had. PURE BLISS!! I even spooned out the leftover chocolate from the bowl because it was THAT good. Needless to say, it rather derailed my diet a bit today but I think I planned for it well.

Here are today's stats:

Breakfast: 1 egg, spinach, green onion and cheddar cheese omelette

Lunch: Zupas Shanghai Chicken Salad (half size), french bread slice, 2 chocolate covered strawberries, FONDUE with lots of dippers (bananas, strawberries, marshmellows, brownie bites)

Dinner: Grilled hanmbuger patty (91/8), 3 cookable flour tortillas

Snacks: Sugar snap peas

So yes, I was over my calorie count overall - and hey, it's my best guestimate because Zupas doesn't have nutritional info - it's all user based information. But I feel like I stuck within reason.

I basically killed my shins on my run/walk today. They hurt like a bitch! I did do pretty well cardiovascularly though. I could run farther than I expected to and I did more intervals of running than usual. If I had to guess, I think I ran about 30% of the entire circuit. Not too bad considering my goal is to run 100% of it by the end of the summer - I think it's totally do-able. Even while running it still took me 25 minutes. When I walk it usually takes me 30 minutes. I did have to stop twice though and stretch out my shins. I know in time they will get better.

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