My Progress!

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Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Hey all,

It's not hard to see that I haven't posted in a while. That's because I've been struggling through some issues.

At the core of it. I feel like my fitness/weight loss goals were overwhelming my life and making me stressed out, which in turn has affected the state of my body - i.e. delayed ovulation.

I have some other issues and symptoms I'm dealing with and basically at the core of it, I'm scheduled to visit an endocronologist on September 11th. Until that point, I'm trying to level myself out as best as possible in an attempt to jump start my cycle once again.

Until I get some clear answers and have a clear direction of how I need to take care of my body, I will be on hiatus from updating this blog.  I will still try and eat mindfully and healthfully....I will try and exercise - I do have another 5k coming up on Saturday.


Monday, August 13, 2012

5k? CHECK!

I'll have more pictures to upload later when I actually have time to sit at my computer at home. But that shows it RIGHT THERE. I completed my first 5k this past Saturday up in Midway, Utah.

Normally, I've been running a 41 minute 5k....but this one had some....challenges. First, we had to run up Memorial Hill. Here are some views of what it looks like:

Basically you wind up around that thing about 3 we did that and it was TOUGH! The second problem I encountered was that I just happened to be battling a UTI (urinary tract infection) on race day....the entire way up the hill and the entire way down was horrible because I had to pee super badly!!  I just prayed so bad that there would be a porta potty at the bottom of the hill...and thank goodness there was! So that alone added about 3-4 minutes on to my total because you know how many garments I've got to take off just to go pee!! That Spanx I wear isn't easy to get up and down!

So there we go! First 5k accomplished. The next one is August 25th!! I hope my legs recover before then!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


I've made a decision. Tuesday mornings are going to be the mornings I wake up and go running. I did it this morning and did another 5k loop around my neighborhood. I made progress and was able to cut out 1 minute from my overall time.

I ran/walked the entire thing in 40:15 minutes, down from 41:33. AWESOME!

I really feel great this morning too. We'll see how long I last throughout the day.

Now I'm at work and I'm hoping the boredom/snack monster doesn't hit me. Sitting at a desk all day long really makes me bored, even if I've got tons of work to do.

I'm going to try and get up and walk for a few minutes if I'm tempted to snack on stuff and just eat.

Monday, August 6, 2012


I had two bad days last week and one majorly good day.

Bad day 1 was Thursday - my last post - when I went to Culvers. The second bad day was on Saturday. I was good up until dinner when I went out with my dad. We went to Sizzler and I had a "fairly" healthy meal. A 6oz steak with sweet potato fries and a house salad. After that we stopped at Baskin Robbins and I was actually mindful. I got a 1-scoop frozen yogurt was literally child sized.

The good day was Sunday morning. I woke up and ran/walked the 5k loop around my neighborhood. I did it in 41:33 minutes! It kicked my ass too and I was hungry the rest of the day. But I was still pretty good.

I got up this morning and I was 3 lbs! To 219! WTF?!?!  I just don't get it.

Whatev. I don't care at this point. All I know is that I've got a 5k to run again on Saturday morning up in Midway - my first official event. So that means I'm waking up early tomorrow morning to do the 5k loop in my neighborhood again. We'll see how it goes!

Thursday, August 2, 2012


I was bad today. I went here with my boss for lunch:

Last time I was at Culvers I was good and got a grilled chicken salad. This time, not so much.

I don't even want to write what I had, just know that it wasn't good.

There's always one day in my cycle where I literally have no willpower to do anything - and I always know which day it is exactly. Today was that day coincidentally. I did bring my lunch to work, but I went out to eat instead. Bad idea.

Oh well. It's over and done...and I'm still going to go on my run tonight regardless.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

HELP!!! Temptation is knocking!

AHHH I don't know what else to do right now. All damn day I've been wanting a stupid caramel popcorn ball that you find at some of the gas stations where I live. I just LOVE their texture and how they take forever to eat.

I just had to write that cause I'm sitting here at work  with another 1.5 hours to go before I can drive home. It will take all my willpower NOT to stop at the gas station and pick one up!!

It starts TODAY!

Today is August 1 and I have exactly 30 days to lose 5 lbs if I want to achieve my first mini-goal!

I'm off to a great start because this morning I weighed in at 215.8. I'll carry the momentum throughout this week and keep exercising everyday.

Here's my snapshot of my daily intake for the day:

This is just the morning through afternoon meals. Some neighbors brought us a cinnamon loaf from Kneaders last night and so I just had to have a slice this morning. The closest equivalent thing I could find to it for calories was a Cinnabon rolll since my husband thought the bread tasted like that.

I haven't added in my exercise calories yet either but I plan to just have a light salad with Tuna for dinner. I'm also going to do some arm free weight exercises and an ab workout. I prefer not to do any of my videos today because they always combine weight lifting with leg poor legs need a break. I want to rest them up a bit before tomorrow's next run.

BTW...for my 1.5 mile circuit, I did it in 22:56 minutes last night. That's a full 30 seconds faster than Sunday night! I doubt I'll be able to keep shaving off 30 seconds each night I go out, but to see any progress is FABOLA!

Yay for August!