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Friday, June 15, 2012

30 Day Shred

Have you heard of this DVD?

I've had it for about 2 years now and have only attempted the workouts in it a few times. They always kick my ass.

Today I was feeling pretty shitty about my behavior with food this....this morning at work I downed 3 cups worth of Cretor's Chicago Mix popcorn. That stuff hurts my mouth yet I eat it like I'm a crack addict.

Essentially, I came home early today to have lunch and this has been my day so far:

My day started out OK and then I hit that popcorn pretty hard. I came home and had a spinach and cheese omelette followed by 2 100 calories desserts while I watched the Real Housewives of OC.

Seriously?!?! I'm almost at 1300 calories just between breakfast and lunch! WTF is wrong with this picture?!?

So I tried to take a nap but couldn't fall asleep cause I felt like an idiot about making NO PROGRESS this week. I got up and attempted the 30 Day Shred.

Let's just wasn't pretty. I only was able to complete about 10 minutes of the 20 minute workout. After I got done with first half of the second sculpting session I was done. The jumping jacks and the pushups just kill me!

I really keep having this internal struggle. On one hand I hear, stick with a calorie limit and let it be that every day. On the other hand I hear, eat back the calories you work off during your workout. If I stick with my 1350 calorie goal I worry that I'm not eating enough and sabotaging my progress.

I have a good friend at work who recently lost 40 lbs told me that he did it by working out every day for no more than 45 minutes and stuck with a 2,000 calorie daily limit (he's a guy so he can have higher). So I'm tempted to up my calorie limit to maybe 1,500 and try to get in my workouts every day. I just need to be more diligent about making them a priority. Here it is, already halfway through June and I don't feel like I've made much progress on my goal to run the full circuit around my neighborhood by the end of summer.

I really have to nail this quote into my head - from Mama Laughlin (whom I LOVE reading every day)
"If it’s important you’ll find a way, if not you’ll find an excuse."

This is so true! I'm in!!!

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