My Progress!

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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Back on the Wagon!

Yep - I'm on it.

I went through a rough patch emotionally through the months of August and September. My whole TTC (Trying to Conceive) journey has been rough and emotionally taxing on me....but in the end I've come out stronger and I've realized that I just need to be healthy for it's own sake and not for other extraneous reasons.

Things will happen when they are supposed to happen.

All I can control in this world is myself and what I choose to do and think. The choices I make are the only things I can control and I actually feel empowered by that. So much is out of your control when you are TTC and as someone who's been in control of most of her life (and been very successful at that!) I've found that my TTC trials have been the most stressful.

So I've found some new found inspiration in the fact that I ACTUALLY HAVE A CHOICE to be healthy!! I never thought of it that way before.

With my newly found zest and zeal I'm already down 3 lbs!

This morning I weighed in at 216.6! I was hovering around the 220 mark just last week!

I'm back to counting my calories and exercising throughout the week.

I plan to make a NEW goal list - one that I can refer to often.

Thanks to any of you that stuck around and wished me well - it's been helpful :)


  1. I am so glad you are back to blogging--your posts were missed!

    And as hard as it is to remember, you are right--things will happen when they are supposed to happen!

  2. Thanks Stephanie!! So glad to have a friend out there in the journey with me :)
